Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing

Wolfson Campus


The purpose of the Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing is to provide high quality leadership and direction for the College's Testing and Assessment programs; the feedback and industry certification initiatives; and the development of college-wide testing policies and procedures. The office is committed to providing these services in a systematic, strategic, and ethical manner to ensure continuous improvement for academic and student services, campus testing and assessment directors, faculty, and all levels of staff and administrators.

Core Functions

  • Provide leadership and direction for College Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing programs.
  • Direct and plan College Feedback and Industry Certification initiatives.
  • Develop college-wide policies and procedures related to testing programs.
  • Provide consultation services to academic and non-academic areas in the use of assessment and evaluation metrics to measure the effectiveness of their processes and services.
  • Serve as a resource and repository of college assessment and evaluation practices

Guiding Principles