Surveys are the most common method of obtaining feedback and assessing the experiences, opinions, and educational needs of those who attend Miami Dade College. They have been successfully used to produce important curricular and co-curricular information about student learning and educational experiences
Many surveys are administered at MDC, among the most prominent being those that assess feedback, student engagement, faculty perceptions, and graduate/alumni experiences. Information about recurring surveys administered by Miami Dade College's Division of Institutional Effectiveness can be found on this site.
- Faculty, staff and administrators who need assistance with a survey should submit an SIE Service Request Form.
- Submit a Campus Survey and Form Request if you need assistance with a campus-based survey.
- It is the responsibility of the survey administrator to seek the MDC Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. IRB approval is usually needed when the purpose of the survey is to conduct research using human subjects and the results may be published in a journal or presented at a conference. Please review MDC's IRB website for additional information.
- MDC does not provide survey services or samples for academic research or students' class projects that do not directly support the College's Mission, Strategic Plan, or don't have appropriate academic support.
- Surveys administered at the College must have the support from the appropriated Academic and/or Student Dean responsible for the area.
- Surveys which use student level data provided by the Division of Institutional Research must agree to the Institutional Effectiveness Confidentiality Provision.
For additional information, please contact the Director of Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing, Silvio Rodriguez or Marlen Gonzalez, Senior Assessment and Evaluation Associate.