Mathematics Success and Emotional Intelligence
Gateways is a Title V grant centered around Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and mathematics success with the goal of improving retention, progression, and completion rates among high-need, low-income students. Through the integration of EQ development, Gateways is designed to (1) improve mathematics outcomes of students through supported math acceleration via a Summer Bridge Math Academy and (2) engage faculty and staff in educational development at the Wolfson Campus.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ), as described by the emotional intelligence network, Six Seconds, is "the capacity to blend thinking and feeling to make optimal decisions." (Six Seconds) EQ is key to having a successful relationship with yourself and others. Studies have shown that EQ helps you succeed in work and at school, achieve your personal & career goals, and allows you to communicate more effectively.
Uyen Le
Sheila Taveras
Administrative Assistant
Jeffrey O’Neill, Ed.D.
Grant Manager
Teaching & Learning Center
Mandy Johnson
Grant Academic Manager
Summer Bridge
The Gateways grant is funded by the United States Department of Education. Award No. P031S200168