Student From Another Institution
Are you a student from another institution who wants to take a test or a distance learning exam at MDC or via a technology supported online proctoring service?
As a public service, Miami Dade College supervises examinations for other institutions, employers, agencies, and certification boards to take an exam at MDC or via a technology supported online proctoring service. The Testing and Assessment Departments use the term "Remote Testing" to describe tests that are authorized by an employer, agency, or certification board to be administered by MDC or via an approved online proctoring service. The testing criteria and guidelines for Proctoring Services are below.
Until further notice requests are limited to online tests only.
- Requests must be approved/referred by the examinee's home institution, sponsoring agency, or employer prior to taking the test.
- Requests must be received at least 10 business days prior to the preferred test date.
- Instructions and materials must be delivered or provided electronically to the selected MDC Testing and Assessment Department at least 72 hours (three business days) before the scheduled exam time. If the exam is online, a link or URL address to access the test must be provided along with the username and password if applicable.
- Examinees are responsible for informing their home institution, sponsoring agency, or employer of MDC’s approval/referral process. Examinees must contact their home institution, sponsoring agency, or employer and make sure that the home institution, sponsoring agency, or employer sends their approval/referral to the selected MDC campus Testing and Assessment Department. MDC is not responsible for contacting the home institution, sponsoring agency, or employer for the examinee.
- The MDC preferred remote testing request is for students to test on their institution’s account. This information must be shared with the other institution’s testing director prior to making any arrangements at MDC.
- There are MDC testing fees for remote testing requests.
- Click on the following link for fee information related to Remote Testing for Other Institutions ($45).
- Click on the following link for fee information related to Proctoring Services.
- Although every effort will be made to accommodate all requests, the actual scheduling of the examination will be made solely by the Testing and Assessment based on the availability of personnel and other relevant factors.
- Examinees must adhere to the Testing Dishonesty and Behavioral Guidelines, Prohibited Items in Testing, and the Testing Requirements and Acceptable IDs when taking a test administered by the Testing and Assessment Department at Miami Dade College.
- Examinees must select an MDC location.
- To assist you in locating an MDC Testing and Assessment Center, contact Testing and Assessment.
- Make sure that you have the following information before completing the Remote Testing Request Form.
- Examinee’s Information:
- Full name
- Contact phone number
- Email address
- Test date and time
- Examinee’s Institution Information:
- Name and website address
- contact person
- Examinee’s Information:
- Click on the link below to complete the Remote Testing Request Form.
Remote Testing Request Form - Upon completion of required forms and fee payment, your remote test request will be scheduled by the Remote Testing Coordinator at the location you selected.