
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

Program Goals and Outcomes

Goal 1: Recruit, Matriculate and Retain Qualified Diverse Applicants

  1. Admit fifty-five students to each class annually, with at least 70% of the class being residents of Miami-Dade County.
  2. Maintains a diverse class consistent with the matriculant profile of Miami Dade College.
  3. Maintain a graduation rate of 90% and above for Miami Dade County Residents.

Outcome 1: Over the past five years, the percentage of Miami Dade residents admitted to the MDC PA program has consistently surpassed the program's benchmark.

Class Year
(n = # matriculants)
Miami Dade County Residents (% of Class) Program Goal (% of Class)
Outcome 2: The MDCPA program commits to a diverse class of students from various ethnic groups in Miami Dade County for the Class of 2022-2026.
Class Year Hispanic AA/Black White (Non-Hispanic) Asian Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaskan Native
Class 202281.4%3.7%7.4%5.5%5.5%0%
Class 202374.5%7.2%12.7%4.5%3.6%0%
Class 202470.9%7.2%9%9%1.8%0%
Class 202576.9%7.6%5.7%1.9%1.9%0%
Class 202680%9%10.9%1.8%1.8%0%
Outcome 3: The graduation rate of Miami Dade County residents for the last three graduated classes is 90%. This outcome aligns with the College and Program Mission to contribute to the Miami Dade County workforce.
Class Year Miami Dade County Residents Graduation Rate Program Goal

Goal 2: Prepare Physician Assistant students to practice in Interprofessional healthcare teams.

  1. Evaluate collaborative practice using aggregate preceptor scores of 4.0/5.0 or higher on a Likert Scale. Scores above 4.5/5.0 or above are a program strength.
  2. Clinical year students will participate in at least one collaborative IPE workshop.

Outcome 1: Through Supervised Clinical Experiences, students demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively with others. Preceptor Evaluation of Class 2022, 2023, and 2024 exceeds the program benchmark of 4.0/5.0 in all clinical rotation specialties. This is a program strength.

Class 2023 evaluations were not available.

Internal Med OBGYN Fam Med Peds Surgery Emer Med Psych Selective
Demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively with others 4.74 4.86 4.90 4.94 4.88 4.98 4.88 4.93

Outcome 2: This goal has been met. Fall 2024, the class of 2025 attended a simulated IPE event with Pharmacy Students and Doctor of Osteopathy at Larkin University.

Class Clinical % Participation IPE Workshops
2022 100% NA
2023 **** NA
2024 100% NA
2025 100% Internal Medicine, Emergency & Family Medicine and all other SCPES as settings indicate. Fall 2024: Larkin University Pharmacy School
Spring 2024: Miami Dade College

Goal 3: Prepare physician assistant students with the medical knowledge and skills required to enter clinical practice.

  1. PANCE (Physician Assistant National Certification Exam) first-time pass rate 88%. A program strength would be attaining a first-time pass rate at or above the national average.
  2. Eighty-five percent of each class will pass the Didactic Summative Examination on the first attempt. A program strength is an initial pass rate over 90% for two consecutive years.
  3. Ninety percent of each class will pass the initial Summative Examination on the first attempt. A program strength is an initial pass rate over 95% for two consecutive years.
  4. Eighty-five percent of each class will pass the initial didactic and Summative OSCE on the first attempt. A program strength is an initial pass rate over 90% for two consecutive years.
  5. Aggregate mean preceptor evaluations scores on clinical and technical skills >4.0/5.0. Skills scoring 4.5/5.0 or greater across all clinical rotations is a strength.

Outcome 1: The program defines a first-time pass rate as 88%. Across the three most recent graduating classes, only the Class of 2023 has met the benchmark. Please note the Class 2024 has two students pending. A strength for the program is a first-time pass rate at or above the national average.

Class 2022 Class 2023 Class 2024
National Mean First Time Pass rate (%) 92 92 92
MDCPA Program benchmark (%) 88 88 88
MDCPA Mean First Time Pass Rate (%) 86 89 87
Difference from Program Benchmark (%) -2 +1 -1

Outcome 2: As a measure of preparation in the medical knowledge to practice, the didactic summative at the end of the didactic year. Across the last four classes only the Class of 2025 met the initial rate benchmark. There was a change on the exam platform which may have contributed. Data is ongoing. (Table 1)

Outcome 3: As a measure of preparation in the medical knowledge to practice, the End of Curriculum Summative Examination is administered within 4 months of graduation. Across the three most recently graduated classes, each class exceeds the benchmark. (Table 2)

Table 1:
End of Didactic Summative Exam Initial Pass Rate % End of Curriculum Summative written examination %
Class 20221498
Class 20235594
Class 20245798
Class 202589Currently on Clinical rotations
Class 2026XXXX

Outcome 4: To assess the preparation of clinical skills, the Didactic Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is administered at the end of the didactic year, and the Summative OSCE is conducted within four months prior to graduation. The program has met or exceeded this benchmark in all classes except for the Class of 2022’s Summative OSCE. This is a program strength.

Table 2:
Didactic Comp OSCE/Skill Summative OSCE
Class 202210084
Class 20239898
Class 202410092
Class 2025100NA
Class 2026XXXX

Outcome 5: To assess preparation of medical knowledge and skills, the program evaluates student performance for each clinical rotation. Across Class 2022, Class 2024, and Class 2025, the students' performance has met the established benchmarks of success in all clinical rotations. Areas of program strength scoring >4.5 on all rotations are: Interpersonal communication skills, Documentation of Patient record, and performing clinical and technical skills. (Table 3)

Table 3:
Preceptor Evaluation: Through Supervised Clinical Experiences Students are Prepared with Knowledge/Skills: Across Class 2022, 2024, and 2025
Internal Med OBGYN Fam Med Peds Surgery Emer Med Psych Selective
Demonstrates Medical Knowledge 4.614.424.724.674.604.794.564.89
Interpersonal Communication Skills 4.874.634.784.904.744.924.824.88
History Taking 4.804.414.724.714.574.904.674.88
Perform Physical Exam 4.744.394.664.724.534.814.684.86
Document Patient Record 4.724.504.754.684.554.834.714.81
Performs Clinical And Technical Skills 4.714.554.774.764.554.914.594.90

Goal 4: Prepare physician assistant students to contribute to the workforce in Miami Dade County and South Florida communities.

  1. Within 6 months of graduation at least 30% of graduates will secure employment in the Miami-Dade County and South Florida healthcare system within six months of graduation.

RR=response Rate, n= #respondents

Class Year Employed South Florida Employed in Florida (not South Florida) Out of State
Class 2022
n=33 RR =66%
85% 6% 9%
Class 2023
n=17 RR =32%
82% 8% 12%
Class 2024
n=29 RR =60%
71% 0% 29%

The program meets its goals of contributing to the workforce in Miami Dade County and the greater South Florida region. Graduate survey data is gathered six months post-graduation, at which time graduates provide information regarding their practice location. The program meets the outcomes for the Classes of 2022 and 2024. The Class of 2023 response rate was too low to determine success.

Goal 5: Contribute to the Miami Dade County Communities through service activities.


Annually each Physician Assistant Class will participate in at least two community service events in Miami Dade County.

Outcome 1:

The goal has been exceeded across all classes. This program has consistently achieved its goal, with Miami Dade College Physician Assistant students participating in community service activities over the past five classes.

Class Year Project SEED MDC Healthcare Annual Foot Washing Health Fair Homestead Human Trafficking Event Domestic Violence Shelter Total
Class 2022 X Event cancelled due to COVID Event cancelled due to COVID X X X 3
Class 2023 X X X X X X 5
Class 2024 X X X X X X 5
Class 2025 X X X X X X 5
Class 2025 X Pending Spring 2025 Pending Spring 2025 X X Pending Spring 2025 3